Heather Robitaille

FLLC is forever part of my heart. Joining the Tenacious 200 was not something I thought I could afford on a single teacher salary, but when I viewed the many options, I realized I could! Now, giving back to the place that gave me so much makes my heart happy.

FLLC strengthened my faith, helped me build a closer relationship with God, and gave me a diverse extended family from across the country and around the world. One of my favorite camp songs has the lyrics, “Life should be people, all the people holding hands—forming a circle across the border of all the lands.” That is what FLLC means to me—love of others no matter our distance, likeness/differences, we are loved by God and each other.

Time and distance took me away from camp, but I was excited to visit it this past summer when camp hosted a prayer vigil for black lives. I loved that in this very rural area, there were people who understood the need for this and that touched my heart that FLLC was the venue. Due to COVID restrictions it was social distanced, but even getting to smile through a mask at FLLC family and others in attendance from a distance does a heart good. I hope to volunteer and/or make some things for this summer and summers to come.

FLLC became part of my life in 1993 when I was a camper before my freshman year of high school. God knew I needed that place of grace and the amazing accepting people there in my life after junior high and during those year to come. From 1995-2000 I was kitchen/maintenance, lifeguard, camp counselor, Arts-N-Crafts Director (ANC), and then the head cook. All of those jobs helped me along my career path, and would recommend a summer camp job to anyone! The place of grace and so many people are part of the FLLC extended family.

One day I hope for reunion time to have a beach party, campfire, chapel and/or outdoor worship time, and catching up time with the FLLC family and meeting those who work at and love FLLC whom I have not met yet.

Thank you, Heather, for your generous monthly support of Fortune Lake through the T200!

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