FLLC is a source of pride for congregations of our Association, and members fondly talk about their camp.

If you are a Thrivent member, see more below regarding your potential to use a Thrivent Action Team for your project!


Do you have gifts in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, landscaping, forestry, or painting? Perhaps you have time to give and a willing heart to learn?

You and your congregation are invited to Take-On-a-Project that is in need of some tender loving care. Take-On-a-Project is designed to be a win-win partnership between Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp and those who want to enjoy a great involvement in, and gain greater benefit from, this ministry and its resources.

We have projects of all sizes that will help maintain and renovate our facilities for both summer campers and year-round visitors.

You or your group can take on projects in one of the following ways:

  1. Fund the entire project and volunteer your time to complete it
  2. Fund all or a portion of a project, but leave the work to volunteers/hired labor
  3. Volunteer for a whole project, but wait for others to provide funding

Contact us for more information on our list (see below) of potential and on-going projects at Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp.

Thrivent Action Teams

1 Thrivent Member + $250 Seed Money + Service Project
= Big Impact for Camp

What is a Thrivent Action Team?

Thrivent provides each of their members with the opportunity to apply for two Thrivent Action teams per year. Action teams can be to support fundraisers, service projects, or an educational event. Thrivent will provide you with a banner, t-shirts, and $250 to support the project.

Who can be a team?

These projects can be done by a confirmation group, women’s group, congregational activity or just a family or two teaming up!

Get Started!

Please contact us before you apply to be sure there isn’t another group hard at work on the same project! Most of these can be completed with the $250 provided by Thrivent Action Team.

Spread the Word

Download: Thrivent Action Team and Wishlist Poster

Project Ideas

  • Materials to Repair/Replace Window Screens
  • Interior Paint for Duplexes
  • Exterior Stain for Duplexes and Picnic Benches
  • Commercial Interior Entry Mats 4’x10′ & 4’x8′
  • New Benches for Camp Property
  • Curtains for Cabins and Duplexes
  • Recreation Equipment – Balls for Games
  • Rent a Logsplitter