3 events found.
9th Grade
LEGO® Camp
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp 138 Fortune Lake Camp Rd., Crystal FallsGrades 3-9 // Are you a LEGO maniac? Campers get set for a week of building friendships, faith and fun! LEGO camp is a unique blend of LEGO building and traditional camp activities.
Art Camp
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp 138 Fortune Lake Camp Rd., Crystal FallsGrades 3-9 // This week of camp is for kids who love to be creative! Campers experience traditional camp activities and use a variety of mediums to create art and express themselves.
Dungeons & Dragons Camp
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp 138 Fortune Lake Camp Rd., Crystal FallsGrades 6-9 // Learn to play one of the most popular table-top roleplaying games in the world in-between all of the traditional camp activities!