Our Impact

Impact Stories: God at work through the ministry of Fortune Lake

When the Spirit Goes You Up

The Spirit calls staff like Heide beyond themselves to wildly bless the lives of campers, and then that same Spirit bathes them in the grace of radical acceptance, the capacity to show up just as they are.  

Boundless Growth

Fortune Lake helped Sean cultivate communication skills, taught him how to interact with new people, and showed him how to demonstrate authentic welcome.

Camp: A Cure for Isolation

Jody has found that camp is a great cure for the feelings of isolation that often plague us, and she looks forward to seeing how these connections grow throughout the years.

Holy Play

Fortune Lake – as it does for so many – offered Pr. Alex a place of safety, joy, and renewal. “Camp’s going to make you more of who you are, part of creation."

New Connections, New Perspectives

For Sam, his first time at Fortune Lake served as an affirmation of his sense of self, his wholeness, and the divine image that we all bear in our daily lives.

Joyful Immersion

For Pr. Joe Iversion, the next best thing is to be able to share the beauty of God’s creation and immersion in the intentional faith community of camp with his own children. 

Walking Together

In that moment, walking together, Wade felt as if he’d witnessed a glimpse of the kingdom of God in the here and now.

Unexpected Blessings

Sophie's desire to be in a safe space for a season brought her back to this Place of Grace in two unexpected positions, and the blessings are still flowing.

Trying It Out

When Nathan arrived for his first summer at Fortune Lake, he found a community waiting with open arms to help him break out of his shell.

Making Space for Gratitude

Liz Grenke-Leach had the unique opportunity to share Fortune Lake --this place she has long loved-- with the students she serves, and it proved to be exactly what she --and they-- needed.