T200 are the persistent and unyielding group that loves Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp dearly and aspires to pass blessings forward.

To help us drive faith forward, we believe that 200 sustaining donors, giving monthly at different levels, will keep our budgets balanced and provide the opportunity for us to improve and expand faith giving opportunities for years to come.

Here’s What We Need

We are also asking that you spread the word: by phone, by email, by Facebook, by Twitter, at church, over coffee, over a beer…you get the idea! With your generosity and tenacity, FLLC will continue to be a place of grace for years to come!

Join the Tenacious 200 Team today!

Help keep our budgets balanced and our faith-giving opportunities growing for years to come. Please join the team through automated checking/savings withdrawal or PayPal Subscribe, below.

Contact the office if you have questions.

Give Monthly Automatically

Recurring Giving through PayPal:

To set up recurring gifts on your credit card, you must have a PayPal account.

Donation Options

Don’t have a PayPal account? That’s ok! Use the same button to donate via credit card for one time gifts.

NOTE: Please remember to include your mailing address during the checkout process.

Thank you!

It is the supporters of Fortune Lake who help ensure that we can continue to serve campers each year. Without your support, we couldn’t continue to provide the life changing opportunities that occur at Fortune Lake.

Brittney Kemppainen

I am a Tenacious 200 donor because camp has done so much for me in my life. Fortune Lake has a special place in my heart; it is one of my favorite place to be since I was a little kid. My first summer as a mini camper I knew camp was special. After that half week, I knew I was going to work at camp.

Stefanie Ehle

Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp holds a special place in the heart of my husband, Scott and I. After we got married, it was an easy decision to give back to the place of grace where our paths crossed and where much of our faith formation took place. Ministry at Fortune Lake does not happen by accident. Intentional giving is essential to keep FLLC active and relevant for future generations.

Dirk Manson

I am a "johnny come lately" to the Fortune Lake Camp experience and it has been a wonderful experience to witness the dedication of other board members, staff and volunteers committed to sharing the Good News of Christ in this VERY special place.