Just Jump!


Alexa works in Arts-n-Crafts (ANC) in Summer 2023.

A reflection on Matthew 6:34 written by Alexa Georgina Pérez Soto, 2023 Cabin Leader and International staff member from Mexico

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” – Matthew 6:34

Time perception is quite different at camp. Sometimes you just don’t know what time or day it is, as long as you’re doing what you need to do, right? But occasionally you find yourself with some extra time, maybe as little as 10 minutes. In my life as a student that amount of time wasn’t really used productively, I used to scroll on my phone or even get anxious because I thought I did not have enough time to work on what I had to do! Here at camp those 10 minutes turned out to be amazing opportunities to try new things, whether if you are having a break or hanging out with your campers, you can find God.

Towards the end of summer, a coworker and I were participating in a Dunk Tank game in the lake. We had time before the hour and activity changed, 10 minutes left. We were already in the water just relaxing after being “dunked” multiple times. The busiest person at camp, who not only found time to serve as a lifeguard, jumped and joined us, our Camp Director, Amanda. She could have left to continue her work, but instead she used that short time to jump.

You can do many things in 10 minutes: Play a new board game with your campers, play Gaga Ball in Vagland, pick wild raspberries or have a drawing contest.

We can find God in different moments of our day. If you have 10 minutes, jump.


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