Impact Stories: God at work through the ministry of Fortune Lake

We Use What We Have


It was the morning of July 12, 2024, and the Camp ACTS campers had spent the week preparing for their musical. Everything was as ready as it was going to be. After completing their final rehearsal, the actors nervously buzzed about as they were awaiting the arrival of their friends and family who would soon be in the audience. Costumes were on, choreography was practiced, and lines were memorized. There was just one problem: a camper, who was playing not one but three of the key roles, had been unexpectedly picked up early and was not able to fulfill his parts. The small cast and crew scrambled, knowing the show must go on, but with no idea how. Who could jump in, with no preparation, to perform alongside these kids who had practiced so hard? Would all of their effort go to waste?

Enter Will from stage right. Will was a cabin leader who had never seen the script. He knew how hard the campers had worked, and he refused to let them down. His first readthrough was on the chapel stage in front of the audience!  Will, a tall, gregarious, up-for-anything young adult, took on the roles of Abraham, Noah, and Moses. Ruby, a much smaller, curly-haired ten-year-old girl in angel wings became Will’s onstage guide: grabbing the microphone, positioning him where he needed to be, and guiding him through the dance steps. It was a delight! The kids brought their own gifts and personality, but the levity that Will provided as a confused adult in a cohort of child angels, lifted everyone. Nervous performers were able to laugh at Will, families witnessed the delight of their campers, and Will’s ability to jump in and improvise allowed the story to shine, despite the change.

A phrase that I often use at camp is, “We use what we have.” We entrust that the gifts God has given us will be enough for the tasks to which we are called. We have seen this to be true time and time again, and we witnessed it right before our eyes on the chapel stage that morning.

Our prayer is that you too have all that you need for the tasks to which God has called you. Through the story of Jesus’s birth, we are reminded that the greatest gifts often come from the most unexpected places, and there is always enough. The birth of the Christ child teaches us that God’s love is big enough for the entire world!  A humble stable and a rustic old chapel are precisely the right places for that love to take shape. Further, a helpless baby and a bespeckled tinsel-winged ten-year-old are precisely the right people through whom that love flows.

You can help ensure that the love of Christ continues to be shared through the ministry of Fortune Lake Camp. If you are interested in making financial gift so these extraordinary moments can continue – for Ruby, Will, and many others – please visit our Donation Page. We thank you in advance for your generosity. May God’s blessings be abundant for you!

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Good for One, Good for All


Adria Laplander and Mollie Trewartha, teachers at Houghton Middle School, both had relationships with Fortune Lake prior to coming with their Houghton Middle School students for school camp in 2021. Both women had been campers in their youth, Mollie worked on staff, and both have children who have attended Fortune Lake programming. Houghton Middle School, like many schools in our area, has a long history of school camp, an opportunity for students to get out of the traditional school environment and into a more rustic setting. Post-pandemic, their previous site wasn’t yet open, and they needed to find a place to provide this experience. 

Mollie knew that Fortune Lake had hosted a school camp for neighboring Calumet School District, and, given her relationship with the camp, decided to try our facility. There were nerves in this transition, as there often are. Would they be able to provide the same experience in this new setting? Would people be able to make the switch without holding on to what used to be? In the end, it took just one full day for their team to realize that Fortune Lake was the perfect site for their needs. The central arrangement of the camp made supervision easier, the surrounding nature was beautiful in the fall, and the facilities and staff made their stay comfortable and smooth. 

The teachers tell of a high schooler who was struggling as his good friend had recently moved from the school district. When asked if he was interested in coming to camp as a counselor, he was apprehensive, but he eventually agreed. Once he was at camp, he excelled in this role; he was a natural leader for both his fellow counselors and the kids in his cabin. In addition to growth in his leadership skills, being at camp bonded him with the other counselors, providing him with the community he had been struggling to find earlier in the year. In fact, the whole counselor group got close enough that many of them remained friends and returned the next year.

Adria and Mollie explained that not only was camp good for the students who attended camp, it was also a growth opportunity for their teachers in attendance. In this different setting, teachers are able to provide support and guidance in a new way, building relationships with students that are difficult to accomplish during their daily class period. They’re also bond as a team while learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses. In the end, everyone comes home from school camp having grown in one way or another. Fortune Lake is proud to be the site for such programs, and we look forward to continuing to host them as their tradition lives into the future. 

If you would like to consider renting Fortune Lake for your next group activity, visit our Facility Rental page, call 906-214-2267, or email Charlotte at


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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

A Common Thread


Mary Poirier, like many of the Sisters of the Cloth, has a long and storied history with both the art of quilting and Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp. Both of Mary’s children were involved with Fortune Lake, and their time here inspired a relationship with the organization long after her kids grew into adulthood. Even while still working at her quilt shop, Country Garden Quilts & More, she found ways to support Fortune Lake through her work. When Mary and her husband decided it was time to close their shop, the free time she gained allowed her to join the Sisters of the Cloth.

The Sisters of the Cloth are a group of women who come together throughout the year with a common purpose: to prepare for our annual Fall Fest. While many of them are crafters and makers of all kinds, their common thread is quilting. Their time spent at Fortune Lake, and a great deal of their time at home, is spent making beautiful creations to be auctioned off and sold at the event. Each “sister” found her way to the group in a unique way. What has formed is a welcoming and supportive community that finds joy in the work they do to support Fortune Lake, as well as the time spent in each other’s presence. The group often shares ideas, gives advice, and creates together.

This sense of community that Mary feels does not disappear when the women leave camp. The Sisters of the Cloth have formed bonds with one another that create space for life updates, thought sharing, and prayer requests. While there is great diversity in the personalities of the group, their common goal brings them together in a unique way. Each time they arrive at camp for their quilting bees, they are reminded of why they get together: They are bound together by their love for camp and the Christ-driven mission of Fortune Lake.

Each of the women in the group donate copious amounts of time, materials, and labor to the cause at camp, but Fortune Lake is just one facet of their community service. Many of them are creating quilts for multiple other organizations as well, a remarkable feat given the time intensity of the craft. According to Mary, it makes sense that she would use her talents to help other people, and it is obvious by the amount of time and work donated that the other sisters feel the same.

The 2024 auction saw 105 quilts, many of which were crafted by the Sisters of the Cloth. In total, Fall Fest raised $29,169! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED IN ANY WAY! It is through the work of the Sisters of the Cloth that this event is possible. These women are already thinking about next year. Mary extends an invitation to any quilters and crafters out there who might be interested in joining the group. It is, after all, a close knit, or quilted, corner of the wider Fortune Lake community we all hold dear.

Save the date: October 4 Fall Fest 2025


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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

Reconnecting with God and Friends


Derek McEachern has been coming to Fortune Lake since before he can remember. His mom Stacy was attending Women and Kids week when she was pregnant with him. Eventually, Derek started coming to camp on his own, recalling Rocket Camp as his first youth camp experience. 

Derek recalls feeling closer to God and growing in his faith every time he comes to camp. He values making meaningful connections with staff and fellow campers and appreciates that they come from all different towns and backgrounds. Often at the conclusion of the week, his friends make sincere efforts to stay in touch. Inevitably, their young lives get busy, and communication wanes. That’s where Fortune Lake’s youth retreats come in.

Each fall and spring, Fortune Lake offers one-night retreats for youth. These fast-paced, fun, faith-filled events provide a perfect way for Derek and his friends to reconnect with God and with one another. They also give Derek an opportunity to invite new friends to camp, as it is less intimidating to commit to a one-night retreat versus a full week of summer camp (which often comes later).

As young people grow up, camp activities sometimes conflict with other events. It could be easy for Derek to prioritize football, track, or academic pursuits, but he always makes room for camp. Recently, when the youth retreat landed on the same weekend as Derek’s high school prom, many assumed he’d skip the retreat, but not Derek! Rather than miss out on the retreat altogether, Derek did both. He participated in the games, Bible study, campfire worship, and outdoor activities before leaving early to get ready for his special night at the prom. Derek provided a great example of how to make room for important relationships and to nurture his faith in God while still partaking in the important milestones of high school. Join us – and Derek – for these fantastic retreats!

This spring Fortune Lake will be offering two fantastic youth retreats!

Friday-Saturday, April 4-5 for grades 3-6

Friday-Saturday, April 11-12 for grades 7-12


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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

Inspired Youth Shares About Camp


Created to Be

By: Clara Eslinger

Created to be, hmmm…  what does that really mean?  Sure, maybe some people say “Oh, I was definitely created to be a football player, or a veterinarian. I know how to do three backflips in a row, so I am created to be in a dance competition!” It’s great to have those thoughts!  Perhaps God did give you great football throws or gave you the talent to help animals big and small. But, the trick is… TO NOTICE THAT YOU HAVE SO MANY OTHER BLESSINGS!  

Blessings, wow! What a powerful word. God has blessed us all in gifts. Not like a new bike or a pair of shoes you get for Christmas. When God blesses you, he gives you talents! Like doing backflips and crazy dances. And why I wanted to bring up the fact you have so many other blessings, is because some of them are hidden and you have to discover them. Others are already there and you know it. Some you don’t notice you have, but you do! 

So, to wrap it up… for the next few days, when you see a new thing, or see a game you’re good at, or even hear “CREATED TO BE” said out loud, think of blessings and how God gave us all of them!  USE THEM! 


Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp: a poem

By: Clara Eslinger

Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp,

full of fun and plenty of sun!

Learn about God 

as you make a new pod, full of friends! 

So, go ahead…sign up

I promise you’ll be totally fine!

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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

Created to be Brave


Maggie Bruchman set foot on the holy ground of Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp for the first time when she arrived to start the new role of Mental Health Support Coordinator in May. She had long heard about Fortune Lake from her cousins, but this was Maggie’s first time here. She felt uncomfortable for a while. The sights and sounds were new. Nobody had been in the position before her to provide guidance. Even as she was still getting acclimated herself, Maggie quickly found that there were many campers and staff who, like her, needed community support, encouragement, and time to adjust to life at camp.

One particular night, Maggie was called into a Village cabin, where our youngest campers stay, to assist with a girl who was having a difficult time with bedtime. The camper was hesitant to share what was going on, so Maggie tried some of the age-old tricks like counting stars or sharing about activities she was looking forward to. None of the tricks worked.

Eventually Maggie asked, “You’re homesick, aren’t you?” The camper responded, “Yes!” Once the problem was identified, the camper opened up about missing her parents; she hadn’t expected camp to be this hard. Maggie encouraged her to write down her feelings, and she wrote that she was feeling sad, confused, and upset. On the other side of the page, Maggie encouraged her to expand. She wrote, “Even though I feel these ways, I am also brave, smart, and capable. I can get through tonight.” Feeling better about the situation, the camper thanked Maggie and went to bed. Not only did she get through the night, she did great for the rest of the week, and she enjoyed a joyous reunion with her parents at the end!

Even though Maggie was new to Fortune Lake and still adjusting herself, the Holy Spirit worked through her to share comfort with this young camper, and many others throughout the summer. Because of concerted efforts by Maggie and the rest of the staff, every camper was successful in completing their week of camp. The staff might not be able to take away a camper’s concern, but as Maggie demonstrated, they can be present, listen, and help the campers use their strengths to meet their challenges. Thanks be to God for an amazing summer at Fortune Lake!

Fortune Lake is currently hiring for Summer 2025. Visit to learn more and apply today!

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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

The Gift of Camp for All Ages


When Lois Blau saw a post about Evergreen Camp, she was very excited. She had fond memories of going to camp when she was young. While the camp memories of her youth were not at Fortune Lake, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to take time to revisit the full camp experience.

When Lois arrived at Fortune Lake, she was surprised to find herself full of apprehension. Despite the welcoming faces at check-in, Lois began to question whether she had made the right choice. The anxiety that comes with committing to a week at camp can get to all of us, regardless of age. Her fears dissipated within hours as she started to interact with the group. By the end of the week, she found herself not only sure that she would come back, but hoping that everyone else would too. Nature, the Bible Studies, and the activities that filled the schedule were highlights. She appreciated the “choose your own adventure” model of adult programming. She was able to choose what resonated with her and take time to rest during what didn’t, allowing her to be more fully present when she was with the group. The most surprising thing to Lois about her week at camp was how much she enjoyed the meals. Lois lives alone, and the opportunity to sit with different people at every meal and converse was special. The participants made up a vibrant group with many stories, and there was much sharing throughout the week.

On Tuesday night, the group gathered for Holden Evening Prayer at Resurrection Ridge, the campfire site that overlooks the lake. Lois was familiar with the liturgy from singing it in her congregation, but this experience was different. With about twenty gathered, the group was led and accompanied by summer staff. The sinking sun was just beginning to set behind Fortune Lake, closing out another beautiful summer’s day. Lois called this Holden Evening Prayer a “true vespers experience,” noting that the litany was all the more powerful in such a lovely setting. Like so many others, Lois was deeply moved by the beauty of God’s Creation at Fortune Lake.

Lois left Evergreen Camp feeling connected to the community that had formed and feeling renewed as she returned to her daily life. She can’t recommend the experience to others enough and intends to return next year. We are so thankful for Lois and the others who made Evergreen Camp the incredible week that it was. Fortune Lake is committed to offering Evergreen Camp in 2025. Might we see YOU there? Visit the Evergreen Camp page to learn more.


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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

Just a Smalltown Girl


Like many of our campers, Lillian Bruchman grew up in a small U. P. community.  She worshiped regularly with her family at Faith Lutheran Church of Calumet.  Lillian started attending summer camp at Fortune Lake as a youth and was drawn to the group games, the emphasis on outdoor play, and the deepening relationships – both with God and the camp community.  As a young person, Lillian had no idea just how profoundly God would work in her life through Fortune Lake!

Beginning in Summer 2022, Lillian was called to be a part of the summer staff.  Her first summer was spent as a Cabin Leader, where, like the leaders she remembered, Lillian led games, got kids out in God’s creation, and facilitated growth in campers’ relationships with one another and their Creator.  But Lillian’s impact had only just begun.

In Summer 2023, Lillian served as the Vagland Coordinator, the primary person responsible for all of the programming – including Vagabonds and Night Owls – in our rustic treehouse village.  

Lillian states, “Through Fortune Lake, I have been challenged in many ways.  I have learned what it means to be an example of Christ, to love others and persevere through hard work.  I am currently going to school to be a Social Studies teacher.  Fortune Lake is the perfect way for me to prepare myself in the field.  I learned what it was like to manage a group of people that are all diverse with different needs.  I became comfortable with the role of “wearing many hats” and working with things that were out of my control.  I learned how to work best with the things I could control, and let God take care of the rest.  I learned how to be a better communicator, to look out for others and be there for them.  I can’t think of a similar summer job that prepares me so well for my future career, in an environment where I constantly feel supported and I feel safe to make mistakes to help myself grow.

Lillian returned in Summer 2024 to serve as our Youth Camp Coordinator, where she continued to shine the light of Christ and be there to meet the needs of our diverse camper population.  She also brought the fun!  Parents and caregivers could rest well knowing that Lillian is at the helm.

Like so many before her, Lillian felt God’s call over her life at an early age, which was deepened through her experiences at Fortune Lake.  Thanks be to God for all of the lives touched through this important ministry!


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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

Resting and Reconnecting


Bev and Dan Wilcox are community members in Crystal Falls who were recently presented with a unique problem: Their three sons, three daughters-in-law, and seven children were coming to town for the Christmas holiday and they didn’t have enough space to house them. While exploring their options, Bev decided to check out Fortune Lake based on the suggestion of a friend. Bev and Dan had been connected to Fortune Lake for a long time, bringing their kids to events throughout the years, enjoying Second Sunday Folk Dances, and attending Senior Days in more recent years. After getting connected with the staff, it was a go. The Wilcox family would spend the week of their Christmas holiday at Fortune Lake. 

Bev and Dan noted the comfortable accommodations, access to outdoor spaces, and time together as some of the highlights of their stay at camp. Emanuel Lodge afforded them both private rooms and a large gathering space that hotel lodging would not have provided. Given the time of year, the family had come expecting ice fishing and sledding, but the unseasonably warm winter meant that they enjoyed fishing (free of ice), nature walks, and the fully stocked recreation area. The ability to choose what they wanted to do and when they wanted to do it was not lost on them as they took the time to reconnect. Bev shared that God was present as the family was able to spend time together, pray together, and relax together. They even had their own Christmas service in Emanuel Lodge, complete with a Nativity scene put together by the grandkids. 

The Wilcox family is one of many families who are able to escape their busy schedules and spend quality time with each other at Fortune Lake. Bev and Dan are already excited about the possibility of returning the next time the whole crew comes to town. The facilities and beautiful surrounding nature turned out to be the perfect fit for them. Have you considered having your next family gathering at Fortune Lake? We have lodging options to accommodate groups of various sizes and can even provide meal service for a minimum of 15 people. If you’d like to learn more, visit or call Charlotte at 906-214-2267 to check for availability.

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There are many meaningful ways to engage in supporting Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp!

Building Bridges


In Summer 2024 Henry Zuehls came to camp as a Sr. High Night Owl camper.  Upon arriving, he noted that he wasn’t feeling great about the week ahead.  Many of the other campers seemed “weird” singing songs and acting silly.  Henry admitted that he was feeling a bit “judgy.”

However, he knew he was here for the week, so Henry committed to making the most of it.  Before long, he found himself right in the mix.  The songs, games, and activities had convinced him that some of the “weird” stuff was actually pretty fun.  By embracing the experience, Henry quickly built abiding friendships and ended up having one of the most memorable weeks of his summer.  He learned that instead of judging others because they appeared to be different from him, it was better to get to know them for who they are.

Henry has taken the important life lesson that he learned at Fortune Lake and applied it to his everyday life.  As a high school student, he now strives to be a bridge builder and a peacemaker.  Instead of making snap judgements, he makes an effort to get to know others who are different from him.  He even has worked to break up arguments and fights amongst his peers, encouraging them to try to communicate and get to know each other instead of jumping to conclusions.

God worked in such a transformative way during Henry’s week at camp that Henry chose to come back and serve as a Leader-in-Training (LIT) the following summer.  After participating in High School Week and some intentional training and preparation, Henry practiced his leadership skills as he works alongside the young adult staff throughout two weeks as a volunteer.  In doing so, Henry continued to encourage others to build relationships and trust, and camp is the perfect place for that.  Henry inspires great hope – both at camp and beyond!

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