Fortune Lake is now a Reconciling in Christ ministry!
After years of discernment, prayer, study, and conversation, we are pleased to announce that Fortune Lake is now officially a Reconciling in Christ Camp!
After years of discernment, prayer, study, and conversation, we are pleased to announce that Fortune Lake is now officially a Reconciling in Christ Camp!
Now you can stream the recording of the One Wonderful Day original musical anytime you want, for FREE! Relive your favorite camp memories through familiar songs, lively choreography, and a timeless tale.
Our Board of Directors met on October 27 to update Fortune Lake’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values, as well as to approve a new Welcome Statement. See our Mission Statement here, and follow the link to our Mission & History page to see the additional statements. We hope that you’ll find these words ring true for your individual and collective experiences at camp. We celebrate the movement of the Holy Spirit and the dedicated work of our leaders!
The numbers are in, and we’re thrilled to report our Fall Fest 2023 fundraising total of $23,355!
THANK YOU to all who participated in any way. Your generosity helps sustain outdoor ministry at Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp, keeping our programs financially accessible. We thank God for you!
Save the date of Saturday, October 5 for Fall Fest 2024, with the Virtual Auction kicking off about 2 weeks before.
Would you like to ensure that the ministries you love continue to be blessed after you’re gone?
Join us for a Legacy Giving Event on Sunday, October 29 at 2 pm CT.
The Board of Directors of Fortune Lake has identified sustaining support as a top priority for the future of camp. Join us for hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and a program about making legacy gifts to Fortune Lake and other ministries important to you. We are excited to hear from special guest Cynthia Halverson from the ELCA Foundation as well as some of our local Thrivent representatives.
Senior Days at Fortune Lake are back for 2023-24!
Join us for the first one on Monday, September 14 from 10-2 pm CT.
Fortune Lake’s Annual Fall Fest is almost here! Make plans to join us on Saturday, October 7 for a day of fundraising and celebration! Continental breakfast begins on 9:30 am CT in the Dining Hall, with a bake sale, Draffle (drawing/raffle), Country Store, and a LIVE Auction of juried quilts to follow.
Can’t make it? No problem! Over half of the items will be available for bid via our VIRTUAL Auction beginning on September 26 and concluding on October 7. Follow this link for more information:
Fall Fest Information
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp
138 Fortune Lake Camp Rd.
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Phone: (906) 214-CAMP (2267)