Created to be Brave
Maggie Bruchman set foot on the holy ground of Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp for the first time when she arrived to start the new role of Mental Health Support Coordinator in May. She had long heard about Fortune Lake from her cousins, but this was Maggie’s first time here. She felt uncomfortable for a while. The sights and sounds were new. Nobody had been in the position before her to provide guidance. Even as she was still getting acclimated herself, Maggie quickly found that there were many campers and staff who, like her, needed community support, encouragement, and time to adjust to life at camp.
One particular night, Maggie was called into a Village cabin, where our youngest campers stay, to assist with a girl who was having a difficult time with bedtime. The camper was hesitant to share what was going on, so Maggie tried some of the age-old tricks like counting stars or sharing about activities she was looking forward to. None of the tricks worked.
Eventually Maggie asked, “You’re homesick, aren’t you?” The camper responded, “Yes!” Once the problem was identified, the camper opened up about missing her parents; she hadn’t expected camp to be this hard. Maggie encouraged her to write down her feelings, and she wrote that she was feeling sad, confused, and upset. On the other side of the page, Maggie encouraged her to expand. She wrote, “Even though I feel these ways, I am also brave, smart, and capable. I can get through tonight.” Feeling better about the situation, the camper thanked Maggie and went to bed. Not only did she get through the night, she did great for the rest of the week, and she enjoyed a joyous reunion with her parents at the end!
Even though Maggie was new to Fortune Lake and still adjusting herself, the Holy Spirit worked through her to share comfort with this young camper, and many others throughout the summer. Because of concerted efforts by Maggie and the rest of the staff, every camper was successful in completing their week of camp. The staff might not be able to take away a camper’s concern, but as Maggie demonstrated, they can be present, listen, and help the campers use their strengths to meet their challenges. Thanks be to God for an amazing summer at Fortune Lake!
Fortune Lake is currently hiring for Summer 2025. Visit to learn more and apply today!
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