Building Bridges


In Summer 2024 Henry Zuehls came to camp as a Sr. High Night Owl camper.  Upon arriving, he noted that he wasn’t feeling great about the week ahead.  Many of the other campers seemed “weird” singing songs and acting silly.  Henry admitted that he was feeling a bit “judgy.”

However, he knew he was here for the week, so Henry committed to making the most of it.  Before long, he found himself right in the mix.  The songs, games, and activities had convinced him that some of the “weird” stuff was actually pretty fun.  By embracing the experience, Henry quickly built abiding friendships and ended up having one of the most memorable weeks of his summer.  He learned that instead of judging others because they appeared to be different from him, it was better to get to know them for who they are.

Henry has taken the important life lesson that he learned at Fortune Lake and applied it to his everyday life.  As a high school student, he now strives to be a bridge builder and a peacemaker.  Instead of making snap judgements, he makes an effort to get to know others who are different from him.  He even has worked to break up arguments and fights amongst his peers, encouraging them to try to communicate and get to know each other instead of jumping to conclusions.

God worked in such a transformative way during Henry’s week at camp that Henry chose to come back and serve as a Leader-in-Training (LIT) the following summer.  After participating in High School Week and some intentional training and preparation, Henry practiced his leadership skills as he works alongside the young adult staff throughout two weeks as a volunteer.  In doing so, Henry continued to encourage others to build relationships and trust, and camp is the perfect place for that.  Henry inspires great hope – both at camp and beyond!

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